Sunday, March 20, 2011



Unlike movies, TV-shows are much like people in some ways. Movies might receive a cold welcome, they don't take in the expected cash and obviously disappear into oblivion for a while. Still. If it's really a quality movie, sooner or later word of mouth will salvage it into cult status. A cult status that will inevitably make sure it gets seen by thousands and thousands of people in years to come, and in its intended form.

That can't happen to a TV-show. When a TV-show is canceled, it can't be restored. If it dies in its youth, it'll never get around to live the life it might have deserved or planned. The world isn't fair, and many people die way too young. Such is the case with TV-shows as well, and Firefly was slaughtered as a child, never even hitting the teenage years of rebellious youth. I pray whoever was responsible for that decision is kept far away from making similar decisions still.

Firefly's short life at Fox started by the canceling of the last show I reviewed here, Dark Angel. I never liked that decision either, but Dark Angel did at least live to see its early twenties. How I wish Firefly had managed the same.

From the creative mind of Joss Whedon (Buffy, Angel) came the story of Sci-Fi outlaws, well cast, well written and well directed. It didn't help much as Fox screwed over the airing, advertising and everything else, but Firefly have become a legend in time. A cult story that will live on forever as the cautionary tale. TV isn't about quality.

12 episodes were aired, but there's 15 to be watched, including the original opening double episode they actually aired last. It's well worth your time. I get the chills just by hearing the opening sequence linked to in the video above. Pure entertainment. Thankfully Whedon got to clean up some of the mess with a 2005 movie entitled after their home, Serenity. Some of the loose ends got tied up. It's not much of a bandage for the wounds of those fans that had to live through the cancellation, but it's more than many ever get. There's some consolidation in that.

R.I.P. Firefly, you'll always be remembered. . .

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